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Dance Technics December Newsletter


Happy December!

Some reminders: There are NO classes December 24-January 1. We DO have classes Thursday, January 2.

Winter Showcase! All dancers ages 13 and under that are competing in a group dance or solo will be performing in our winter showcase at the studio. This performance is to prepare the dancers to perform for an audience in their costume and full make-up.

Show date: Sunday, January 12th (if heavy snow is predicted the show will be SATURDAY January 11th).

Winter Showcase classes include: Competition Team 1 (Think Pink) Hip Hop Clubs Tuesday (both), Junior Competition Teams (Jazz and Contemporary, and Open).

Full details will be posted on our website, and a separate notice will be handed out to dancers.

Costumes! Costumes are coming in every week and will be distributed as they arrive. Please note all balances must be up to date to receive your costume. Please put your costume in a safe spot!

Recital date: Our recital will be Saturday, June 14th at Pentucket High School. Times and info will be on our website under the “Performance” tab.

We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season!


                                                Miss Val and Staff

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Dance Technics 2024/2025 Calendar

Wednesday 9/4……….. Welcome Back! First day of dance classes


Tuesday 10/15 …………. 50% of costume deposits due (autopay will be deducted unless instructed otherwise). Please note Dance Troupe and Jr/Sr Comp will have 2 costumes deducted)


Thursday 10/31 ………….Happy Haloween! No classes this evening


Friday 11/29 ……………….. Final Costume deposits due (50%) (autopay will be deducted unless instructed otherwise). Please note Dance Troupe and Jr/Sr Comp will have 2 costumes deducted)


Tuesday-Thursday 11/19-11/21 ………Peek Week! Parents may come and watch the last 10 minutes of each class


Wednesday-Thursday 11/27-11/28…. No classes in Observance of Thanksgiving


December 24-January 1- …………………… Winter Break! See you in 2025!


January 12…. Tentative Date for Competition in-studio showcase!


February 18-20…. February Vacation! No classes held


April 22-24…………April Vacation! No classes held

Saturday June 14 …. Save the Date!  2025  Spring Recital


Monday July 7 ………. First date for summer classes!

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